Service contract 3 years Datalogic EoC2 Comprehensive - Skorpio X4

for Datalogic Skorpio X4 terminals

Service contract 3 years Datalogic EoC2 Comprehensive - Skorpio X4

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Ease of Care 2 Days Comprehensive

Datalogic Skorpio X4 warranty   is a warranty extension that gives you access to maintenance, repair and technical support services. The warranty covers the repair or replacement of worn components following normal use of the equipment over time.

Warranty Z SC2SK431 applies to Datalogic Skorpio X4 mobile terminals. Does not apply to accessories compatible with the equipment.

The repair time for the mobile terminal is two working days.

Explanatory note:
* this term refers to the period when the product is in the authorized Datalogic service. The transit period is not taken into account.

Tags: datalogic warranty x4 warranty skorpio warranty skorpio x4 warranty skorpio x4 x4 makes permanent efforts to maintain the accuracy of the information on this page. Occasionally they may contain caveats: the photo is informative and may contain accessories not included in the standard packages, some specifications may be modified by the manufacturer without prior notice or may contain operating errors. All promotions present on the site are valid within the limit of available stock.


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